OMFG! Adler for JCP
OMFG doesn’t even do my reaction to discovering this collection justice! Much like Missoni for Target, bringing in designer goods at too-good-to-be-true pricing is just that, too good to be true. My gay husband has teamed up with JCP–most likely in an effort to boost their falling sales–and has brought the essence of his motto, Happy Chic, to the masses. For those of you who aren’t familiar with Jonathan Adler (shame on you!), he is known for combining modern with retro, which results in case study furniture with a colorful array of decor. To get a better understanding of this look (and his style) I strongly recommend picking up a copy of his book–good reading material and a great book to display on a shelf. I know it is probably scary to some to have an orange couch (shock!) or even throw pillows (let’s ease you in), but there is something so happy about it and JA clearly knows it since that is the name of his collection. Happy Chic-ing everyone!
PS–everything is still in stock!
1: Bleeker 6-drawer dresser // 2: Owl Accent lamp // 3: Stripped ceramic vase // 4: Kitchen towels // 5: Wool rug // 6: Yellow Lola pillow // 7: Acrylic trey // 8: Arrow bookends // 9: Wood Trim candle holder // 10: Acrylic pitcher // 11: Ceramic nesting treys // 12: Highball glass // 13: Column panels // 14: Upholstered bed // 15: Greece pillow // 16: Velvet couch // 17: Fabric placemat // 18: Round pouf // 19: Bubble vase