My earliest memory of MTV was in a random hotel in a random country I can’t even recall (I was that young), and a pale man with a mustache was singing about being a “scat man.” I want to say I was in Turkey, traveling with my then-young parents, who were really into the MTV channel so we could listen to music while we packed. I had no clue what a “scat man” was–I thought it was something bad + scary–but I was intrigued that this channel was only singing and dancing (a music video), all. day. long. As I got older (teenage years) I watched the channel transform into a music slash reality show channel, but still found it somewhat nostalgic and continued to watch. Now, almost 10 years past being a “teenager,” I am so far removed from the music-less and all reality channel that I was pretty confused how I was attending an award show about music videos (did they still exist?). Regardless, I enjoyed dressing up for the VMAS and hitting some parties in my home city, Hollywoodland.

I’m wearing: Junim dress // Strappy sandals // Coin necklace // Rebecca Minkoff bag