I have, on more than one occasion, been accused have having an easy life because I am a blogger. I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but 1) I also run a creative consulting firm, and 2) blogging is in no way, shape, or form something that can be done while sitting back and relaxing Monday through Friday. In fact, fitting blogging into my life is the biggest challenge, therefore making it one of the most time-consuming, frustrating, and misunderstood part of my life. I have noticed lately that a lot of the bloggers I follow are sharing more and more of the troubles and difficulties they undergo trying to make blogging their career while also keeping it “real.”
Let me break it down a little. Basically my weeks are filled with shoots for my clients, not myself (my blog). I spend hours editing, coming up with captions, scheduling, planning, servicing our clients, and of course, trying to come up with new concepts at all times. In this day and age you must be cutting edge in order to survive in the digital world, and no amount of Instagram stalking will do the trick. You must read articles, network, attend events, seminars…the undesired list goes on. Trust me.
Come the weekend I couldn’t be more excited for a moment to sit down and do nothing. But nope, Saturday & Sunday mornings I get dressed to essentially go nowhere. I scout locations with whichever photographer I conned (jk, not conned but sometimes it does feel like that) to work with me, and then we shoot until something works. Typically after a shoot I sort through the 100’s of photos and edit immediately to get it out of the way. But honestly, all I want to do it turn on Gilmore Girls for a straight 5 hour marathon! Is that too much to ask?!
So why do I do it? Well, because it is now part of my life. It is my creative outlet with complete creative freedom. It is my public diary that serves as some serious therapy (ahem…this entry). I need my blog and it needs me. Our symbiotic relationship has truly grown into one that straddles the thin line of love & hate, but ultimately, I rely on my blog more than people will ever understand.
Lastly, while the time and effort I put into my blog is endless, something that keeps me going is the thought that one day my kids and/or grandkids will be able to search my name on Google and find this open book of time stamps, important moment, feelings, style, pictures, and creativity straight from my mouth (you know what I mean). So yes, blogging is a serious commitment, and no, I will not pretend like it is easy!

I’m wearing: Lookbook Store camel coat // Elle A motto jean (another jean I like) // Rails plaid shirt // Old Steven Madden booties (similar here) // Karen Walker sunglasses // Nashelle ringsĀ