In the past few months I’ve received an overwhelming amount of compliments on my hair, which is highly shocking to me for a myriad of reasons. You can ask anyone of my friends or family and they would all tell you that my hair is the thing I spend the least amount of time on. I don’t find myself good at doing my hair, which is why it is typically an afterthought to me. I get my hair colored–and by colored I mean raising my ombre to start at my eye level–approximately 2-3 times a year, and one of those times I will get a 1/4″ trim. Very unexciting stuff happening on my head.
Aside from that, I have a strict routine I follow in order to minimize the washing and doing of my hair. Yeah, that’s how much I don’t enjoy hair.
I’m sure you’ll all be thrilled to know that most of the time my hair is dirty. The “styling” of my hair sort of requires it to achieve that beachy, messy, wavy look. So here’s the 411 on my hair–you’ll need to understand (and quite possibly get on a similar schedule to avoid too much heat damage) this phase before we move on to the actual curling part. A video is coming for that portion.
Monday: After my evening workout I wash my hair and let it air dry.
Tuesday: I curl/style my hair.
Wednesday: Hair is looking loose and beachy. Some might say Day 2 is the best hair day.
Thursday: Hair is starting to get dirty. Depending on oily-ness, I will either use some dry shampoo or wear a hat. My poor hats are reserved for hair days…
Friday: After my morning work-out I wash, air dry my hair, and style it the same day.
Saturday & Sunday: Hair is semi-clean/dirty and looking good for the weekend.
This hair-washing schedule works for me, and has reduced the amount of grease at my roots from lowering the frequency of washing my hair. Washing your hair too often does strip the natural oils from your hair, which can often leave hair limp and drab. You can’t possibly have bouncy, beachy, messy waves with hair quality like that!
If you are just starting a new hair-washing schedule, trust me, dry shampoo and hair cologne will be your best friends. Check for my favorite products below.
Stay tuned for the video tutorials for how I wave my hair.