My typical Monday through Friday look is pretty standard–jeans, t-shirt of some sort, and a leather jacket. It’s a look I’ve acquired after years of “dressing up” for work and finally realizing that classic comfort will never be out of style. However, every now and then I like to step things up with a pair of heels or, in this case, a studded leather jacket. These days I leave the statement making to my outerwear since the base of my look is pretty basic (in the good ole plain meaning of that word–not the negative, Lauren Conrad version).
Something else I really enjoy these days is shopping for the season. Meaning: buying new clothing each season rather than spending an exorbitant amount on one item that I’m now forced to justify by wearing the next few years. I mean, I would prefer to buy new tops and jeans every time the weather changes, but I do also understand the whole buy-less-choose-well mentality. But today we aren’t talking about that…
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