

SO excited to have created the Facebook Group! The Sivan Ayla Community group is all about women who want to chat about beauty, fashion, cooking, cocktailing, travel, pets, home decor, life hacks, etc., etc., etc. Pretty much nothing is off limits except a couple topics that I don’t feel are appropriate for this forum (ie: politics + religion). Let’s keep things positive, uplifting, informative. No judgement, no hate, no TROLLS!

Honestly, I’m feeling a little sigh of relief knowing that this platform exists. Why? Well, you know how sometimes I complain about repeating myself or getting asked the same questions over and over? Yes, I totally get that it comes with the territory of my “job,” but in all seriousness it can drive a person M-A-D! Imagine doing your job and then your boss being like “okay, do it again. And again. And again. And again….” (!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!). Yeah, that’s how I feel sometimes. SO, this group is fab because the information stays “live” forever! Score.

Plus, I love the idea of connecting you guys to each other. I feel so fortunate to interact with you guys individually over DM on the daily because not only is it rewarding, but you offer up so much great insight and information that I feel like a lot of people would benefit from knowing. Are you starting to see why this group is exciting to me? I know Facebook is a little dated and not for everyone; trust me, I haven’t updated my “status” on my personal account in years. I have zero interest in pretty much anything on my newsfeed (sorry people I’m “friends” with). BUT, this is cool. This is like a private public group that WE control.

How it works: first you request access. The moderator [me] will accept your request. The first step is to read the guidelines to make sure we’re all on the same page, and then it’s time to chat! You can post questions, tips, pictures, whatever. I will be popping in regularly to keep the conversations flowing about topics that interest me, but please also feel free to post your own stuff. I would love you guys to keep the dialogues flowing (not just ones that I facilitate). My goal is to build upon the amazing community I have cultivated on Instagram so we can all share knowledge and insight and feel supported.

Are you into it yet?! I think you should give it a shot…I have a good feeling about it!

See you there!

Find the group here: Sivan Ayla Community (you can also search this on Facebook)