PAULITICS: Girl Hot vs. guy hot trends

While everyone “fancies” (thank you, Love Island UK) something different, here are my thoughts on some recent trends and whether guys actually like them, at least this guy. Always keeping in mind that the right person (I am lucky enough to be married to one!) can make ANYTHING look good…BRING ON THE RICHARDDDDDDDDD!
+ OVERSIZED SWEATS: I am into it…ESPECIALLY in our COVID-19 world. As long as they don’t have an MC Hammer crotch…
+ HIGH-WAISTED MOM JEANS: Definitely not for me. I know Sivan loves the mom jeans but when has a guy ever said “DAMN I WISH MY GIRL DRESSED MORE LIKE A MOM”? Just to be clear (for any trolls), I am not saying moms aren’t hot. I am just saying most are not known for their fashion. And understandably so because there is a lot more important shit to be concerning yourself with than fashion once you have a child.
+ DAD SNEAKERS: HATE HATE HATE…I have to take back my earlier comment…Not even Sivan (or Lily) can make this look good in my eyes. If I could, I would release Murder Hornets to destroy all “Dad Sneakers” in the world.
+ BIKE SHORTS: Into it + very much into being ready to work out at a moment’s notice.
+ ATHLETIC SLIDES: Not really a + or a -. Just to be clear, crocks and similar plastic sandals do not count.
+ HIGH-WAISTED SWIMSUITS: Into it. I know it is probably against popular opinion, but I am not a fan of the teeny weeny string bikinis. I think they show too much skin and I find that high-waisted suits usually are quite flattering.
+ OFF-THE-SHOULDER: Cuteeeeee. I like me a little shoulder action.
+ MUSCLE TANKS: Just another tank top?
+ CROP TOPS: Into it and pairs great with high-waisted bottoms!
+ GRAPHIC T-SHIRTS: I haven’t been into graphic T’s since middle school.
+ BAGGY BOYFRIEND JEANS: What’s the difference between Mom jeans and Boyfriend jeans?
+ SNAKESKIN SHOES: When paired correctly, looks good (as long as faux).
+ BLAZERS: Depends on the situation but I have been known to like boss bitches. Just avoid the ones with too much shoulder padding pleaseeeee.
+ MIDI SILK SKIRTS: As long as it has a slit. Otherwise a bit conservative for me.
+ LEOPARD TOPS: Being married to a leopard lover, I don’t think I have a choice here.
+ MATCHING LOUNGE SETS: As long as not obnoxious color.
+ TIE DYE: Into it. The 1960s seemed like a good time.
For more Paulitics, see my earlier posts on money mgmt and what it’s really like being married to a blogger.