
Clear The teacher's wishlists with me

As mentioned last week on IGS, I wanted to do my small part to give back to our teachers by sharing their Amazon Wishlists. I have ALL THE RESPECT and admiration for our teachers and genuinely think they’re the most underappreciated job in our country. By clearing their classroom lists, you’re giving back to our teachers, who we all know are underpaid and often have super limited budgets from the school, if any. You’re also helping the kids in the class by receiving the supplies to help them thrive.

I’ve received hundreds of emails from teachers submitting their lists and while I wish I could clear them all, I’m asking you guys to help me out. Click on any of the lists below to help a verified teacher / educator. I’ll continue adding to this list over the month of August as I go through emails. Once I see a list is cleared, I’ll remove it from this post.

If you’d like to submit your wishlist, please email me at with proof that you’re an educator and a link to your list.

XOXO Sivan

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