My Holiday Decor - Sivan


In case you’re new here, you should know a couple of things: 1. Yes, we’re Jewish but we also incorporate aspects of Christmas decor because I like it. 2. We always decorate the house early in order to shoot for the Gift Guide. This year was really our first year fully being able to decorate our house since last year we were still finishing up construction, so I was very excited to get to it. As always, I kept things neutral to go with the rest of the home’s aesthetic, but I had fun with details like disco balls, pampas, and bows. I’m still working on the kid’s tree which is a lot more colorful, so I’ll share that once it’s shot.

+ 10 ft tree
+ Faux garlands
+ Ribbon for bows
+ Sherpa stockings
+ Pampas grass garland
+ Disco ball
+ Black matte wrapping paper and ribbon

And because I know you’ll ask, here are our boucle chairs and oversized floor mirror.