
ZOODLE Spaghetti

I love nothing more than a recipe made easy. Things like pre-peeled garlic, fresh chopped onion, zoodles ready to go…that sort of thing. It not only motivates me to cook at home more, it helps save time when your husband insists on working out after work and we can’t eat until 9:00PM [insert flaming red Emoji face]. With that being said, I have a list of go-to recipes that take under 30 minutes from start to finish and this is one of them.

It wasn’t until I started shopping at Whole Foods (recently) that I discovered all these great resources that make dinner so easy. I’ve always managed to find easy recipes, but I never really appreciated the convenience of pre-done anything. If you’re a newb like me, Whole Foods has the best pre-cut fruit & veggies, which is obviously fabulous. That’s how this recipe was born–I saw summer squash zoodles ready to go and decided I would knock off my spaghetti recipe in exchange for this healthier, lighter alternative.

There are plenty of substitutions that can be made in this recipe if you’re not a meat eater, don’t like mushrooms, can’t tolerate spice, etc. Recipe below.