Jonathan Adler Is my soul mate
Since my birthday just passed, I already took the liberty of spending the Amazon gift card from my Mommy. There are so many books that I want I had to divide my purchases into categories. The first, and most important at this point in my decorating frenzy, are the home decor books. But really, it is killing two birds with one stone since after I am done reading them they will become an aesthetic fixture on my coffee tables. Out of the three I bought, the Jonathan Adler on Happy Chic colors is my absolute favorite. He encapsulates every element of what I love in a color filled room. With lots of white lacquered furniture along with splashes of vivid colors, Adler truly knows what he is doing. Above are some of the rooms that I could not get off my mind, and in turn, have decided to mimic some of his concepts using my own color scheme and style. While I know that Jonathan and I should just get married and live in home decor bliss happily ever after, I also know that reality (living with a straight man) will not hinder my excitement for Jonathan Adler’s designs.
Happy Decorating!