Céline Fabregé Easter

Since the induction of painted pumpkins this past October, I have not been able to get away from holiday DIY activities. As much as I love the process of dying eggs, it really just doesn’t feel the same when I have to boil the eggs and set it all up myself (do I really have to grow up?!). But now, as you can see, I am more than willing to spend the morning painting eggs while Paul is away playing football. I mean, how else does a girl spend her Saturday morning before Easter? Since I’m Jewish I decided the theme this Easter would be Céline meets Fabregé meets gold meets black and white meets glitter meets chalkboard. Sitting in my home office painting while burning a Diptyque candle and overlooking issues and issues of Vogue really was therapeutic.
I won’t bore you with instructions since painting eggs is supposed to be abstract and the opposite of difficult (aka using those dye stencils) so just enjoy my picture tutorial of how I created these fashion-inspired eggs. Happy Easter to all!

Find me on Vine (sivanayla) and vote which egg you like the best 🙂