Picture this, two Americans are in Greece with 60 of their closest friends and family 24 hours before they get married. Where would you imagine the couple to be? Probably at their rehearsal dinner, right? Well, when I say nothing was conventional (or smooth), I mean nothing was just how it was supposed to be. That’s typical wedding stuff though. According to, like, the world.
So here we are, in a castle somewhere in Naxos town, dressed in our all-white outfits for our all-white party as our guests wait for us at the restaurant. My anxiety is through the roof. I hate making people wait. Especially when it’s my event, and they’ve traveled ACROSS THE WORLD to be there! My photographers insisted we take a trip to this castle during “golden hour” just before our party to get these shots, and so that is exactly what we did. Something you should know about the photogs we were working with, they are extremely artistic and picky (hallelujah) and made me redo shots and scenes (for the video) over and over like we were filming a serious Hollywood movie.
I can’t say I’m mad at them for this. Now that I’m back home and wishing I was back in Greece, having an immense amount of pictures to remind me of each vivid memory is exactly what I need.
Back to my story about how everything didn’t want to be my friend. So, we shoot all around this gorgeous castle, I get naked in the middle of town for my outfit change, I put my life on the line for a shot overlooking the entire island, and then when I finally heard the glorious words that we “got it” I hauled ass to get back to our car, parked like a million miles away. Of course, we can’t rush back to get to the party though, because a pipe burst and now we are dead-stopped in traffic. In Greece! I cannot function at this point…just get me to my damn party!
We finally arrive–and I honestly have no clue how long it took I was so on-edge–and it is full-on nighttime black outside. The second I saw our guests, dress all in white, enjoying cocktails under the starry sky I was calm again. Everyone looked so beautiful and seemed to be enjoying themselves, not angrily waiting for us to arrive. Phew! I guess you could say I got a little wedding jitters…

All photography by Adonis Kekidakis
I’m wearing: Free People Fiona Maxi dress // Gold sandals // Melinda Maria cuff // House of CB Luce dress