This year we are staying put for the holidays. For whatever reason Paul and I always manage to be anywhere but home for the holidays–Hawaii, Mammoth, Paris, the list goes on. Since this is our first year owning a home and we have pretty much had it up to HERE with traveling in the winter, it’s time to make ourselves at home during the holidays.
For starters, I’m extremely excited to decorate our home for the holidays. Of course, I’m not much of a traditionalist when it comes to the holidays so I stick to a pretty minimal color scheme of white, black, gold, and some silver. A post on my favorite holiday decor is coming tomorrow, but I thought I’d share just how excited I am to do this.
Not gonna lie, I am going to miss spending time in a cabin in the snow though. I love being forced to stay cozy inside (or in a hot-tub) with a good book and wine, playing board games, and watching movies. I guess I’m not one who easily gets cabin fever. Soooo, with all that said, I am making a point of transforming our home into a sort-of cabin, complete with the cozy furry blankets, games, and wine. I just want that cozy vibe to be established in our own home for once so moving forward it will be part of the traditions we start.
Best part of being couped up in a cabin:
–Hot chocolate (spiked with Bailey’s), fire, & a movie.
-Playing Monopoly.
-Hot tubs in the freezing cold with wine.
-Endless reading.
-Fireplaces, music, & wine (duh).
-Cuddling with your love & pups.
-Wearing flannel, chunky sweaters, thick socks, uggs, no make-up, & not caring.
-Uninterrupted Pinterest sessions on the iPad.
-Quality time with family & friends.
-Taking walks in the snow & sledding.
I promise I’m not bitter we aren’t going to the cabin this year. I just wanted to hype up the concept if anyone reading is going up to the snow 😉 And I fully plan to do all of this at home instead. Except I’ll be swapping out the fireplace for our outdoor fire-pit since we don’t actually have a fireplace…nope, not bitter at all.