1. The island of Capri is pronounced “cahhhh-pree.”
2. There are 2 “sides” to the island. Capri, the main town where most of the hotels and restaurants are, and Anacapri. Anacapri is actually the top of the island. There are some cute shops and restaurants up there, but most of the villas are located in Anacapri.
3. There is a pretty decent bus system on the island. For ¢1.80 each way you can ride anywhere. Tons of people ride the scooters but the roads are extremely narrow and scary so I wouldn’t dare. My favorite method of transportation was their taxis…they are like old school convertibles with cute striped awnings over the top.
4. There is a cute sandal shop near the Quisisana Hotel that Jackie O. discovered. They are handmade, leather, Italian sandals that were made famous by the chic first lady herself.
5. Apparently the law enforcement on Capri is stricter than I thought. When I went up to the Capri sign (photo on this post) to take a photo they were less than thrilled that I stripped down to my bikini to do so. After batting my lashes and pretending the language barrier prevented me from understanding, I took a few snaps and was on my way. I was probably deemed the town slut that week (LOL).
6. Absolutely every inch of Capri is picturesque. I was so overwhelmed by how beautiful the town is. The colors were perfectly pastel and happy, just begging for me to stop for photos every 3 steps. You can imagine how much fun that was for Paul. In all honesty, he is such a trooper about stuff like that. He really doesn’t seemed bothered by it.
7. So this next one isn’t exactly something I learned in Capri, but they drink spritzs like it’s water out there. Safe to say that goes for all of Italy though.
8. Avoid the main square of town from the hours 11:00AM-4:00PM. That is when it is busiest with tourists from the day-trips and cruise ships. Once they clear out the island is so stunning and pleasant to just wander around.
9. The shops stay open fairly late so it’s not a bad idea to shop after dinner to work off some of that pasta you’re definitely eating.
10. Missoni is cheaper!!!