Okayyyyyy!!!! I finally just sat down and caught up on LIFE after being gone for 2 weeks in the Hamptons, NYC, and then Miami. I have received a lot of questions about my trip–why? what are you doing? why isn’t Paul with you? what is swim week? etc. I always do a post recapping my travels but I am going to work in reverse order and start with my trip to Miami.
This year was my first time attending Miami Swim Week and if I had to describe it in one word it would be: intense. I’m sure you’ve all caught on by now that I’m pretty much a homebody who loves to travel with her husband, sip wine, and lounge on a beach. Any other type of trip doesn’t really entice me much. I love spending time with my girlfriends and / or family, but realistically Paul and I are completely on the same page about traveling so there are absolutely zero questions about the type of trips we take. Therefore he is my #1 travel buddy and anything / anyone other than him and our typical type of trip is a little hard for me.
Not that being on vacation is “hard.” It’s just that he knows my needs (and I know his), and we are in charge of our own itinerary. I’m getting a little off topic here but basically Miami Swim Week is a massive itinerary running about 1.5 hours late at all times with no time for food. I can do hectic, I can run around from venue to venue, event to event, show to show, but what I can’t do is NOT eat. I do not function well in 2 conditions: 1) the morning and 2) without food. Combine 1 & 2 and we most likely aren’t friends anymore…
Since Paul just took 2 weeks off of work for Italy he unfortunately could not join me on this trip. While many people think Paul is my “Instagram husband,” he only assumes that role while we are on vacation together. During regular life he is a working man and takes his career seriously. Occasionally he will accompany me to a blogger event on the weekends but there must be free drinks and food for him to agree 🙂
Miami Swim Week happens once a year, and it is the time swimwear designers showcase their latest (upcoming) collections through runway shows or presentations. There’s a lot of schmoozing, swag bags, photos, traffic, etc. As I said above, the shows tend to run pretty behind, which in my case forced me to skip meals between shows. Not that I’m dwelling on that part or anything (LOL). I met some amazing bloggers and designers, got to see what happens behind the scenes backstage at the Beach Riot & Planet Blue show, and finally experienced my first swim week.
I now know what to expect for next year. And yes, I will most definitely be attending again next year!

I’M WEARING: Shop Elle A. jumpsuit | Schutz shoes | Vici Clutch
Photography by: Karla Garcia