In 24 hours I was be putting the final touches on everything for my party, as I’ve worked so hard all month to be fully prepared for this day. Little projects every week, endless lists, enlisting the help of others (can I just say how lucky I am for such supportive + helpful family and friends?!), all to be SUPER prepared for the party and not go crazy in the days leading up to it. Of course, naturally, my body gives me major anxiety–partly nerves from the pressure of throwing a bomb ass party and partly because I still have things to do and partly because LIFE!
This week has been extremely stressful for me for a multitude of reasons. Paul got sick last Sunday (like, really?) and I’ve had to be his nurse while keeping some serious distance. Hello, I can’t be sick for my party!!! So much for my planning though. On Wednesday I started feeling his symptoms creep up on me and instantly took action to flush this “sickness” out of my system. I’m about 70% good, but that 30% is fighting me pretty hard. Crossing my fingers I am back to normal for tomorrow since either way I will be partying. Obviously.
Let’s talk about the weather for one sec. Or, let’s not. But seriously, what is with the weather trying to ruin every party I have?! Let’s recap: my bridal shower, it POURED….after all the hard work, time, and money spent making the outside gorgeous we all had to huddle inside. Literally rolling my eyes as I type. My WEDDING. IN JUNE. IN GREECE!!!!! It NEVER rains there according to the locals….the morning of my wedding there was a storm predicted. It was dark and gloomy and I was raging (on the inside). Luckily, LUCKILY, someone “up there” decided to be nice and part the clouds and let the sun out just as the ceremony started. You’re lucky, whoever “you” are. And now, my Halloween / Birthday party. Sure, it’s October and not very out of character for October, but at the same time, it’s Southern California and no other damn days have rain predicted. But sure, I’d love some rain on my outside-only party. Cool.
In all honesty, I’ve been holding that in all week, which I swear is why I’m feeling sick. I’ve been manifesting good weather, good thoughts, all in an effort to sway the weather to nix the rain. PRAY FOR ME!
And lastly, this is so TMI, but this is what happens when you lose your mind. You just let it all out and don’t give a f***. I’m getting my period, early. Uh huh, you read that right. It’s EARLY.
Ok, ok, rant over. Kinda. I’m just going to smile, think good thoughts, and hope for the best. If all else fails you will find me dancing, drinking, and enjoying all the Halloween glory I poured my soul into on Saturday night, with or without rain, with or without an illness, and with or without my period. Period.

I’M WEARING: YMI Black Skinny Jeans | YMI Plaid Shirt | Anine Bing Charlie Booties | Samantha Wills Pearl Ring | Balenciaga Bag