WHY I BLOG - Sivan


Blogger Sivan Ayla
I know I typically give more straightforward advice in this series of posts, but today I felt like sharing something a little different. For starters, let’s talk about the title ‘blogger.’ It’s easy to dub yourself (or someone else) a blogger since that’s the original name we gave girls with a website who wore cute clothes, but today it is so much more than that. Or maybe so much less? Hear me out.

Blogging has been around for a long time. Does anyone remember LiveJournal? No? Then you’re younger than me 😉 If yes, then you know that was how we “blogged” back in 2001. I participated in just about any platform that allowed me to [publicly] express / write my thoughts with accompanying pictures. It stemmed from my desire to work at a magazine; I love(d) the entire concept of putting together an editorial story–the outfits, the pictures, the mood, the article. Blogging, whether on LiveJournal, MySpace, Blogger, or much later down the line, on WordPress, has always been my life. It replaced my need to work at a magazine.

Despite not blogging professionally until the last couple years, I’ve always maintained a passion for creating content. Something that was entirely mine. I always wanted creative freedom but didn’t know how to possess it. Now that I have it, my goal is to elevate my content to provide you value while maintaining my authenticity. That is my job as a blogger.

I take pride in my content. I spend hours making lists, purchasing supplies, shooting, editing, writing, and then reading and re-reading my posts to make sure they make sense, have a point, provide value, etc. Lately my posts are taking upwards of 4 hours to complete, as nothing can go “live” until it has a purpose. I struggle with writers block, lack of creative juice, and sometimes debilitating period cramps or headaches that have me like “fuck it!” But I have to have the discipline to get through it all, and when I do, it is very gratifying.

What’s even more rewarding is when I post something (via this website, YouTube, or my Instagram) and you guys are receptive to it. Reading all your comments seriously makes my day. And it truly does validate what I’m doing with my life. My blog is my livelihood, for real.

Earlier I mentioned that now blogging can mean a lot or a little. Things have changed substantially since 2008/9 when those iconic bloggers first surfaced. Now, a lot of Influencers (the new term) don’t even own a domain name let alone a website / blog to publish articles on. There is nothing wrong with that, but to me those are not bloggers. I think anyone who blogs has a little magazine editor in them and that’s my point–I blog because I wanted an undefined creative career and blogging has given that to me. I spent years blogging and not really knowing where I fit, but now I feel more confident than ever in my content, in my blog.

Sivan Ayla blogging tips5 Blogging Tips



 Blogger AdviceWhy i Like Blogging



Blogging Tips