Every now & then I find myself in a ‘mood.’ I strongly dislike the term ‘funk’ so I will try my best to avoid using it in this post, however, it might resonate with some reading this so I’m getting it out of the way now. But basically we all go through it–a weird mood you’re in that doesn’t quite make sense. You’re not mad or sad about anything specific, things are going well overall, but you’re just kinda like blah. Do you know what I’m talking about?
I find that the busier I am, the less I feel this way, but it has the ability to creep up on me unexpectedly every now & again. The thing that bothers me most about it is the physical side effects. Pretty sure it’s directly correlated to the severe anxiety I suffer from, so I’m not altogether surprised that this is something I experience.
But basically it goes something like this: I have an annoying knot in my stomach, I feel a little jittery (almost like a caffeine high), my back hurts, and I find it hard to engage with others. For instance, Paul will be talking to me about something that typically would excite me, or I would have tons to contribute to the conversation but I’m just not in the mood to get into it. To him, it looks like I’m “in a bad mood” but really I’m not. I’m just feeling weird? It sucks, to be honest.
There is nothing worse when I’m in this ‘mood’ than trying to explain it to someone (if they point it out). I get even more irate and then bitchy. So unfair to others, but what can I say, I’m a moody bitch sometimes. BUT, as an aware adult who takes responsibility for my behavior, I’m trying really hard to not allow this to happen [often]. With that said, below are my tips for how I forcefully get out of my moody ways. Hope they help.
–Play music. First and foremost, I play music. I have various playlists on my Spotify account based on genre and most of them would be considered “mood lifting” to me. Music has such a powerful impact on me. The first thing Paul does in the morning when he wakes up (before me) is let the dogs out then he heads straight to the kitchen to play music. We have never once talked about this, but I’m pretty sure he got this from me, as I MUST listen to music 24/7. One song has the ability to change my entire mood, seriously. Personally, when I listen to 60’s & 70’s music it makes me the happiest. The lyrics, upbeat melodies, & simplicity of the songs just speak to me in such a positive way that I would have to be pretty pissed off to not change my attitude.
-Talk about it. This is a serious struggle, especially if you don’t know what’s bothering you. But start somewhere. Address your feelings (emotional or physical) and let the conversation stem from there. Someone who truly cares about you will allow you to vent / just talk.
-Have a glass of wine. I know, I know…alcohol is “bad” for anxiety, BUT guess what? After a glass of wine I feel so much more relaxed that sometimes it’s all I really need. Especially when I’m just in a mood, not necessarily anxious.
-Cry about it. I’m a pretty sensitive person but I also have thick skin. Kind of contradictory, but honestly I can handle a lot. I find myself to be an emotionally mature person, so I can often read WHY people say and do the things they do. When I can understand that, it’s a lot easier to move forward. However, sometimes the unknown is what gets me down the most. Not understanding why I feel the way I do is incredibly frustrating & sometimes I just need to cry. When it’s time to cry it’s most likely a build-up of many things and just letting it out feels really good.
-Exercise. The endorphins alone are enough to help, BUT it’s actually impossible for me to feel anything but great after a workout. Sweating, working hard, treating your body well, being healthy all contribute to that natural high. I also find that taking a group class, surrounded by motivated / positive people lifts my mood. I do boxing and sometimes just hitting the bag feels great, too.
-Oxytocin. Otherwise known as the “love hormone,” can sometimes help. Other times I just want to be alone, but occasionally just cuddling into Paul gives me a comfort that zaps my mood.
-Reflect. Not to be super hippie dippie or anything, but sitting down & thinking / focusing / reflecting on your life can also help. Think about these things: is everyone healthy? do you have a job? family life? friends? dogs? a home? I realize that some people might not have all of those things, and I feel for you. But the point is, be grateful for what you do have. I have my own share of family drama, anxiety, worries, but at the end of the day, none of it matters. Focus on the good and let that be what consumes you.