SO excited to finally share the first episode of my full body workouts series. This was obviously my first time filming anything like this and let me tell you…it’s exhausting!!!! Not only did we film / work out for 5 straight hours, there are so many things to remember. If you follow me on YouTube, you know my videos are thrown together at home (doing my makeup on my bed typically), not in a real studio with directors and cameramen! It was pretty intimidating, not gonna lie. However, I hope you all like them because we did spend a lot of time picking my favorite exercises to feature to make up 5 different complete full body workouts. Would love to hear your feedback, and at the end of all 5 episodes going live I’ll decide if we should film more or not.
To get started, I suggest either purchasing or having access to the following:
-A resistance band (extra tight)
We created these full body workouts with girls like me in mind–likes to eat, drink, have fun, but also values her health and understands the importance of working out. If you travel a lot, GREAT, these are very easily done in any hotel room or hotel gym (since you’ll need weights). If you can’t afford a gym membership, GREAT, buy yourself some weights (around $10-$20), a resistance band ($10), and skip the yoga mat. These are very easily done at home. And, once all 5 episodes are live you’ll have a great variety to mix it up each time.
You can repeat each exercise as many times as you’d like, but I typically do each one 20 times TWICE. The workout are around 15-20 minutes, so there are really NO excuses! One of the things I forgot to mention in the video (it was my first time, cut me some slack!), is don’t forget to stretch & drink lots of water. So important to keep your body limber and hydrated so you don’t injure yourself.
Lastly, keep in mind that I am not a fitness expert or professional of any sort. I am simply a girl who has a trainer (that I love!), and wanted to share my workouts for anyone who is like me, aka likes to indulge in donuts & wine but also wants to feel great in a bikini. Hope you enjoy!