This date night makeup look is basically a stepped-up version of my daytime look. I’ve incorporated heavier products like foundation, concealer, and wait for it…setting powder! However, despite all my fears, adding these products in moderation & with a light hand can still look natural. I’m calling this my Date Night makeup since it’s Friday & this is exactly how I’ll look in a few hours for sushi with Paul.
You will notice a few new products in this video and I wanted to recap my thoughts on them here:
-Laura Mercier Flawless Fusion Ultra-Long Foundation: You can literally wear this for 15 hours and it will look fresh. To be honest, wearing anything on my face for that long gives me anxiety just thinking about it, but it’s nice that something so natural looking can last that long. For girls that like full coverage, I think you will find this foundation lives up to it’s name while still appealing to girls like me, who only want something natural looking.
-Laura Mercier Secret Concealer: I’ve been stepping outside of my comfort zone lately by trying conceals since I am starting to notice the darkness under my eyes more and more. This one was surprisingly lightweight, but I’ll need you guys to tell me if it actually made a difference.
-Laura Mercier Setting Powder: While I completely failed at the puff application (is that what that thing is called?!), the powder itself is very sheer, which is the only way I’ll f*ck with powder. Anytime I’m going heavier on the face, especially with concealer involved, I’m trying to seal it up with setting powder so nothing sets in my creases (aka wrinkles).
-Glossier Highlighting Stick: LOVE me some highlighter. Especially one with a moisture stick built in. I may be doing it wrong, but it tends to wipe off my makeup when I apple it directly over my foundation. I found that dabbing it on with my finger gets the best results.
Let me know what you think of the new filming location, too!