How I Use Under Eye Masks - Sivan

How I Use Under Eye Masks

Just some staples you’ll find in my fridge: eggs, almond milk, hummus, eye masks…yes, you read that right. How did I even live before eye masks were a thing in my house?! I guess the answer would be, I didn’t always have dark circles, fine lines, and most recently, the puffiness. I know the under-eye area sitch is mostly genetic, which can be either really great or really…not so great.

In my case, my mom has a little darkness under her eyes that is mostly a shadow cast by her cheeks. I’m starting to see the same thing happen to me. Recently at the dermatologist I asked if there was anything I could do to brighten the area and her best solution was a little filler to inflate the sunken-in area. I’m not quite ready for that. I just envision myself looking even puffier. After I give birth and the swelling has all around settled down, I’m hoping it will help a little, but until then I’m regularly using eye masks to help me de-puff and brighten.

And not to be confused, I’ve loved eye masks ALWAYS, but I especially depend on them now during my pregnancy. There is something really luxurious about using eye masks. Especially when they are chilled. It’s a very boujee look that I fully embrace. I love nothing more than grabbing one of the many I have in the fridge, putting them on, rolling over them with one of my rollers, and leaving them on for a good half hour or hour while I do things around the house (or sit on my ass). I truly feel like the longer you leave them on the better, as I’ve done the quick 10-minute application in a rush and feel like I didn’t really see a difference. But when those suckers have had an opportunity to really really adhere to my skin and suck the life out of my under-eye area, THAT is when you’ll see a difference and be like “ahhhhhh…..I’m a whole new person!”

In my opinion, the key to maximizing your under eye masks are the following: keep them in the fridge, roll them, and leave them on a while. The difference between a chilled and non-chilled eye mask makes ALL the difference. Trust me. Rolling them not only helps them grip onto the skin better, it flattens them out while also giving your some lymphatic drainage. Plus, it feels really good. Lastly, as mentioned above, let those babies work overtime to really do their job. I hate to say this, but I’ve never used an eye mask I didn’t like. It seems like whether they are the slimy skin, paper kind, or hard kind, they all work (as long as you follow my guidelines).

However, I do need to manage expectations here because what you cannot expect is permanent results. The whole under eye mask process is a temporary fix for darkness, puffiness, or hollowness. I’d say you’ll look a lot fresher if you do this before applying makeup. You’re prepping the area nicely and most of the eye masks do leave the area more hydrated, which is always a good look. I highly recommend trying it out. I’m not going to break down the eye masks I use with a review because, honestly, they are all good. I will leave links in the shopping area of this post though so you can try out the ones you see my using regularly…I have tested them all and love them all.

Let me know your thoughts & if you have any under eye masks you live by!