How We Picked The name Capri

It feels SO good to finally be able to share my baby Capri with the world!
Paul and I fell in love with the island of Capri in the South of Italy 2 summers ago on our one year wedding anniversary. It had always been on my bucket list of places to visit and when we finally made it there I kept feeling like I was in a dream. It’s honestly the most magical, beautiful, charming, unique, special place on Earth. Paul and I were both mesmerized by everything the island had to offer and we were lucky enough to visit it again the following summer, too.
On our first trip to Capri we felt the island embodied everything we love in life—culture, natural beauty, incredible food, a relaxed lifestyle, charming people, unforgettable architecture, and of course endless spritz! We feel our absolute happiest on Capri. It’s our little slice of heaven.
It was decided on this trip that if we ever had a baby girl we would name her Capri. Short, sweet, and represents everything we love!
When we found out we were having a girl, Paul was secretly relieved it wasn’t a boy because he was dying to use our name. Of course I was thrilled because of all the cute girly stuff I could buy, but knowing that our first baby would be little Capri just felt SO RIGHT.
So, that brings me to her full name. Capri Ayla Richards. Ayla, being my middle name, was chosen by Paul so she would always have a part of me in her name. Eventually if she gets married and changes her last name, she will always be connected to me through our shared middle names.
Now that baby girl Capri is here life is just so much more special. We are so in love with her in a way we never knew possible. Paul and I are so incredibly lucky to have such a beautiful healthy baby girl and we are also SO grateful for all the outpouring of love from everyone. Thank you to everyone for their sweet messages and comments. Us & Capri are so excited for this next chapter of our lives!