Pink Flamingo Makeup Tutorial
Halloween is 8 days away and if you’re lagging on getting your sh*t together costume wise, you can thank me later for this post. Basically, grab your self a hot pink dress and follow this tutorial for a very, very easy Pink Flamingo look. I actually threw this entire tutorial together in a matter of hours. With the upcoming product launch, our trip to Mexico, etc., things have been crazy, but I obviously had to bring some Halloween tutorials.
You can grab every beauty item from Walmart, just like I did. They offer next-day shipping so if you have a schedule like me (or literally wait ’til like a day before Halloween), you’re good. Their beauty section is insane and love that they carry some of my favorite makeup brands like Nars and Revlon. It’s also where I stock up on my Ardel fake lashes. Head to Instagram for the video tutorial but I’m sharing photos + products you’ll need below.
+ Start with a fresh face and spritz this mist so everything feels dewy.
+ Apply foundation. I always, always use foundation as a base for costume makeup. No need to get fancy, use your fingers.
+ Use a heavier hand for concealer under eyes and on forehead. I like a beautyblender here so that everything blends nicely.
+ Use a white liner for a dramatic cat eye and extend the liner to the inner part of your eye (creating a low triangle) and under your eyebrow for a pop. Line your lower waterline as well. This liner is literally the easiest and isn’t too thick.
+ Next up, shadow. I love the brightness of this palette and it was obviously perfect for flamingo vibes. Think hot pink and orange blended together.
+ Use the black shadow from the same palette to line the white liner from above. White, then black underneath for that bird eye look.
+ I would obviously never wear lower fake lashes unless it’s for a costume. To get the full bird feel, it’s a must here. Yes, kind of a bitch but a must. Follow suit on top with these.
+ Mascara, mascara, mascara. Maybelline makes a great dramatic option for $7.
+ Contour your cheeks and forehead using this affordable and golden bronzer.
+ Pink blush is necessary.
+ Highlighter time. Since flamingos have a lot of white on their face, you want to apply this thicker than normal. This highlighter is INCREDIBLE and I love it. Apply it higher than your bronzer and down the center of your nose.
+ Hot pink lip gloss, obviously.
+ Slick back your hair into a low pony + add a feather.

Thanks to Walmart for sponsoring this post. As always, opinions are my own.