What I'm Thankful for
I have so much to be thankful for I don’t even know where to begin. This year has been so transformative for me between the businesses launching, Capri turning 1, Paul quitting his job as an attorney AND becoming my business partner (officially), it’s honestly mind-blowing that this has all happened in ONE short yer. The year has been filled with extreme highs, but is was also filled with some of the lowest lows that didn’t quite make the highlight reel, aka Instagram.
I always try not to focus on the negatives, as they do help us grow as individuals, we learn from them, and ultimately, they make us who we are. BUT it can be hard while you are going through it not to fixate and obsess and let it cloud all the positive around us. I have had a pretty rough year with some family drama that has remained under wraps (I’m sure you can all understand why), which has made some of the most exciting times of my life not so exciting. I have had to mentally “check out” in order to allow myself to live in the moment and absorb the magnitude of my achievements. Otherwise I’d be a depressing person to celebrate with if I’m being perfectly honest.
Despite the shit we / I go through, I always look forward to Thanksgiving (my favorite and IMO most important holiday of the year) because it’s a time to reflect, and in a way, a time to move forward. It marks the end of the year (bc let’s be honest, the rest of the year is a wrap with the holidays) and a time to just be super thankful for everything the year has brought our way.
This year here are the things I’m grateful for:
+ Capri – For bringing me the purest happiness I’ve ever experienced. Never knew a tiny human could make such an impact on my life.
+ My Health – I got knocked on my ass the day I launched + Lux Unfiltered (& the day I turned 32). It was a reminder that I need to take care of myself and slowwwww down. You never feel more grateful for your health than when you’re sick and unable to do the things you want / need. Remembering to be thankful for my good health moving forward.
+ Family Values – While I’m always grateful for my family, I am extra grateful for family that places value on family. It’s easy to call one another family, but acting like it is a whole different thing.
+ Care-Takers – Capri has a family crew that takes care of her during the week and they all do it out of the graciousness of their hearts. I don’t think I have ever heard of such commitment in the name of love for one little girl. SO thankful for them! *I realize if / when baby #2 comes this will prob not happen lol!
+ Wine – Because there is nothing like a little rosé on ice at the end of the day (or at like 4PM) when shit hits the fan, your baby has been a fucking lunatic, drama, stress, celebrations, highs, lows….you know, wine can pretty much fix it all!
+ Delivery – I was a little ashamed at how much take-out we have ordered this year but honestly, who cares. I have been so crazy busy that delivery has saved lunch (& many dinners) this year. One of my goals for 2020 is definitely to get back into cooking more so I have a couple more months of Doordash in my future.
+ My Community – YOU guys. You support me, which in turn supports my businesses, which in turn supports my family. I cannot believe that after almost 10 years of blogging this is my career, my livelihood, my LIFE! And it’s all because of the incredible community I’ve build with the help of you guys spreading the word. Thank you!
+ Passion – I’m SUPER thankful for the fact that I have a fiery passion to be creative 24/7. It keeps me challenged, stimulated, growing, and allows me to expand my business into real physical product. It’s honestly what fuels me and keeps me going even when it’s hard AF and I often wonder WHY THE F*CK I do this to myself. There is nothing like a career driven directly from your passion.
+ Home – I have such a warm, comfortable, cozy home and for the rest of 2019 I intend to enjoy it. I spend so much of the year running around and traveling that I’m making a point of savoring lazy moments at home while I am able to. We are usually so fixated on the next trip but home never sounded MORE appealing to me than right now after this wild few months.
What are YOU guys thankful for this year? Don’t be ashamed to share the little things, too – I’m definitely grateful for all the lovely people who bring me Healthnut salad 2, 3, 4 times a week LOL.
Happy Thanksgiving everyone!