Capri Update: Everything she's eating, reading, Doing at 22 months!

Believe it or not, Capri is almost 2! Can someone please explain how the hell time is flying this fast?! I decided to put together a much overdue Capri update since obviously so much has changed since we last chatted all things Capri and her schedule. At 22 months she is blowing us all away with her extensive vocabulary and huge personality. I think I can confidently attribute that to all the different family members (& close friends) who are constantly in her environment. This might sound strange, but Capri doesn’t really hang with other kids. It’s not exactly by choice – she was just starting to get into playdates and classes when the damn virus hit so we had to stop (obviously). So now Capri is pretty much only around adults but not to worry, she is VERY bossy and makes everyone play with her like children LOL. The point I’m trying to make, however, is that all the adult exposure has really done wonders for her vocabulary (IMO).
To be honest, I don’t really have anything to compare Capri to so sometimes I feel silly sharing baby updates because I’m not sure if it’s typical or out of the ordinary. SO, with that said, take this with a grain of salt. I’m no baby expert, but I do have a baby (a smart one if you ask anyone in my family) and she’s pretty much a little angel 95% of the time so I think I might be doing something right!
So, what is Capri into, you ask? Here you go, a full breakdown divided up into categories to make it easy:
+ Tablet – so we bit the bullet and got her this tablet. We were reluctant but we figured it would be better and more educational to have her playing with apps designed for kids her age rather than disabling our phones to watch herself on Instagram. We only allow it for a short amount of time each day.
+ Cocomelon – If you’re not a parent, you will find this creepy AF. It’s like nursery rhymes but slower, longer, and sung by this cartoon family who lives in a VERY colorful house.
+ Movies – We all know she’s grossly OBSESSED with Moana. Also on her hitlist: Frozen II, The Aristocats, & Trolls. That’s IT. We have tried getting her into literally anything else, but we last maybe 5 minutes before she’s screaming for “MOANA!”
+ TV Shows – Puppy Dog Pals, T.O.T.S, & Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. All very short, which is perfect for her non-existent attention span and limited allowed screen time.
+ Flap Books – She LOVES a flap-book. We have accumulated quite the collection. She loves all of these: Tales of Teamwork, Puppy Dog Pals, Party Like A Princess
+ Llama Llama – The original is her favorite, but she also loves this one called Mess, Mess, Mess.
+ Little Blue Truck – Another cute series that we started reading her during Halloween, and now she also has this bedtime one.
+ Educational Books – Sea Life, In My Heart: A Book of Feelings, ABC Love, Same Same But Different, Kindness Makes Us Stronger, Hands Are Not For Hitting.
+ Spanish Books – The Spot series is her favorite. We have one about going to school & one about playing hide & seek.
+ Breakfast – We give her 2 eggs every morning (she doesn’t eat the yolk) along with either cup up tomatoes, a piece of toast with peanut butter, fruit, or as a treat a little Lucky Charms.
+ Lunch – Usually she eats leftovers from the night before’s dinner, so pretty much everything I’m about to list below.
+ Dinner – Chicken, fish, veggie bowl, cous cous, rice, veggies, soup, sushi…literally whatever we eat, she eats. It’s pretty rare that she doesn’t like what we are having, unless it’s super carby like pizza or Mac N Cheese. The girl does NOT love bread or cheese strangely.
+ Veggies – Capri would be a vegetarian if we let her. Her absolute favorite is broccoli, but she loves asparagus, green beans, carrots, celery, peppers, cauliflower, & spinach.
+ Snacks – Fruit, raisins, pretzels, yogurt, crackers, or whatever we are snacking on cut up into a very small bite.
+ Drinks – Mostly water, but loves a green juice (my morning smoothie recipe is a favorite of hers). She likes a sip here and there of juice but we don’t drink a lot of juice in our house since most of them are full of sugar. She also still have an 8-ounce bottle of whole milk every morning and before bed.
+ Figurines – This is probably her favorite of all her toys. She calls them “her people.” We buy her different sets of characters she really likes. As of right now she has a set of Frozen, Moana, Trolls, Dinosaurs, and Disney Princesses.
+ Learning Toys – Color Stacking, Sorting Bears, Magnetic Color Maze, My Felt Story
+ Sensory – Scooping Crabs, Sensory Beads, & we often just fill bins full of water / soap / sand / pudding to allow her to have fun and get messy outside.
+ Art – No Spill Paint Cups, Butcher Paper Roll, Paintbrushes, Paint Carrier, Non-Toxic Paint, Easel.
+ Car Wash – So we allow her to draw with these washable markers on her car and then she plays “car wash” by washing it all off with a bucket and sponge. Keeps her VERY entertained.
+ Water Play – She loves her splash pad and her little sprinkler / hose attachment and runs around in the water on hot days.
+ Swimming – We got her this airplane float that WE love because it’s super stable in the water. She also uses this floatie device and when we aren’t in the mood for getting into the pool, we fill a small amount of water into her Funboy kids pool.
+ Cooking – Capri loves to be in the kitchen with me and pretend like she’s helping aka “COOOOKING,” and usually I just let her play in her designated cabinet full kids stuff. She basically unload the whole thing, plays with the stuff, then we do “clean up” and put it all back before dinner.
+ Outdoors – Since we can’t attend classes right now I’m really making an effort to spend as much time outside as possible. Sometimes that means drawing with chalk on the ground, sweeping the leaves with Mommy, watering the plans, swinging, walking around the neighborhood, or driving her cars. I just want to make sure she’s getting enough physical activity in so she’s nice and tired for bedtime and doesn’t feel super trapped inside the house.
+ Naps – She is down to 1 nap a day. At 11:30AM we have lunch and then at 12:00PM she does down for her nap. She sleeps anywhere from 2 – 3 hours. We began the 1-nap schedule around 17/18 months and it happened naturally.
+ Long Sleep – Capri’s bedtime routine starts at 6:30PM (bath, pajamas, milk, books) and lights are out by 7:30PM. On days that she is extra tired we might put her down 10-15 minutes earlier. She usually wakes up anywhere between 7:00AM – 7:30AM. She has recently started developing fear, which we don’t know how, but certain things in her room now scare her so we have had to remove a picture of a camel, her hamper (lol), and make sure she goes to bed with her little star lights on her ceiling. She still sleeps with her sleep sack and pacifiers.
Well, I think that pretty much covers Capri in a nutshell right now. I could go on for days about the random little things that excite her, like “The Box” by Roddy Rich, or picking between which color Paci is currently her favorite, or calling us “Paul and SiDan,” or hiding in the same spot in my closet every morning. Regardless, she is at such a fun age and the fact that she now can communicate with us has just made this entire experience so much more special. We get the sweetest little cuddles, kisses, and hugs from her that melt us. I know when they are super young babies you wish time would slow down, but I’m finding that as she gets older it just gets more fun.
I hope this article was helpful. If you have any recommendations for fun at-home activities we could work into our routine please share!