HOW TO Pack Lightly

After being that girl who always over-packs, I forced myself to get better at carry-on life for my last couple of trips. It honestly makes the travel day so much easier and less stressful; I’m trying to do it whenever I can. That being said, I’m only confident packing this way for warm weather and somewhat quick trips (a long weekend or maybe a week). So while I don’t think any of my tips are ground-breaking, here’s what works for me:
+ Get a good-sized carry-on roller that has efficient pockets, etc. I like the Beis one bc it’s spacious and rolls nicely.
+ Use your “personal item” as a duffle for more packing capabilities. I use the large Beis weekender.
+ Wear your heaviest or largest item on the plane (jacket or whatever); same with shoes if possible.
+ Either use packing cubes (organize by outfits / days) or roll clothing in your suitcase. This helps with space and wrinkles.
+ I also meticulously map out every single look and try my best to repurpose items like jeans or jackets. This takes time up front but I truly don’t think it’s possible to pack lightly without doing so. Also, I’m into color / print right now so this didn’t happen for my Mexico trip but sticking to a neutral color palette also helps. For what I packed to Mexico, shop here.
+ I have invested in minis for all of my toiletries (most are here) so I just have that pouch packed and ready to go at all times. I also bring more multi-use products.
+ Spritz your clothes with perfume before you go so it’s one less thing to pack, or get a roll-on version of your favorite scent.
+ I bring minimal makeup. You’ll survive!
+ Shoes and purses go at the bottom of the Beis weekender back because it keeps them structured and protected.
+ Don’t overpack, be realistic, and really this only works for non-cold places because bikinis and sandals don’t take up much space. I know some of you asked for tips for honeymoons and longer trips with a carry-on and TBH, I’m not the bitch to ask LOL.
+ Don’t bring your kids and have your guy fit what you can’t. Only half joking. Here are my tips for traveling with a kid (but this does NOT involve packing light).
I’m sure you guys have a lot of tips that I don’t, so spill!