Who would have thought this would be such a popular topic?! I mean, not gonna lie, it makes me happy to know that I’m in the presence of other avid cleaners. Cleaning has always been very therapeutic to me, but also a way to take pride in my home. I personally spend a lot of time at home and place a lot of value in existing in a clutter free and clean home. In true Scorpio form, I also cannot focus or function when things are a mess, so cleaning is 100% a priority for me.
Of course while I wish I could dedicate one whole day per week to cleaning, organizing and other housekeeping projects, I cannot. I’m already stretched so thin between work and the kids that I have to find my little pockets of time to tackle anything for the house. For that reason we have a housekeeper that comes once a week. This is something I view as a “convenience spend” to help save me some time (since that’s the thing I could use more of).
Here is how I / we tackle all the cleaning in and around the house. I also have a lot of this broken down on my cleaning highlight & corresponding products on this list.
Daily – me & Paul
Open windows to air out house
Dishes / wiping down all kitchen countertops
Vacuum kitchen floors
Run dishwashers
Fluff pillows and fold couch blankets
Pick up the kids’ rooms
Make beds
Load of laundry every 2 days
Put away any misplaced items around the house
Weekly – my housekeeper handles this
Floors – sweeping, vacuuming, mopping
Vacuum all rugs
Wash & change all bedding
Dusting all surfaces (tables, nightstands, mantle, bookshelves, etc.)
Remove cobwebs on & around outdoor patios and house
Deep clean kitchen (stove, oven, fridge, etc.)
Outdoor cleanout – rake, sweep, dust, put toys away, cover furniture, etc.
Organization project – a hall closet, linen cabinet, playroom, etc. Anything that needs to be sorted and cleared out I handle once a month or as needed.
Couch covers cleaned
Windows – the accessible ones
Seasonally / As needed
Purge playroom – get rid of toys, games, or books they have outgrown or broken
Powerwash outdoor cushions & furniture
Go through clothing & clear out closets
Vacuum & disinfect all kitchen drawers – remove items, clean, put back
Pantry clean out – throw away expired or stale food, rearrange
Big windows – haven’t done this yet (!!) but need to find a company to come clean the unreachable windows 2x a year or something like this
Deep clean my bathroom – dust and vacuum behind curtains, baseboards, disinfect grout, re-arrange drawers
My personal favorite – throwing things away that have sat idle for months and no one has touched. This is usually paperwork Paul leaves out, a bag of random shit from the car, a part for a toy that I don’t know, etc. The rule (in my head lol) is if it’s been in the same spot for over a month it’s going in the garbage lol
My biggest fear is when I have to move and thinking I have to pack all this CRAP. This is why I don’t like to keep clutter. If you pick things up and put them away daily it is SO much more manageable then letting it build up for weeks. The kitchen and surrounding area gets so much use daily that it has to be a priority everyday to clean up. Even though it gets trashed by the end of the day everyday, I still love waking up to a clean kitchen to start my day.
I think that about covers it! I’m sure there are other parts I’m forgetting but this is the bulk of it. Hope you enjoyed!