Pea, Mint, + White Truffle Pasta - Sivan

Pea, Mint &White Truffle Pasta

Sorry, no fancy food pics today. You guys were in SUCH a rush to get this recipe that I had no choice but to snap crappy iPhone pics to get the job done! Honestly, I don’t blame you though. This pasta is D-lish…I made it twice in one week. Partly because it’s that good, and partly because I had leftover ingredients that I didn’t want to go to waste. So yeah, you have 2 options: either double this recipe and make one massive batch, or just make it twice because you’re likely to have lots of extra herbs if you shop at normal stores. And by normal stores I mean any store that sells produce. They tend to sell bunches so large that I always end up wasting / throwing away unless I keep cooking food using the same herbs. And yes, my problem would be solved if I stopped killing my vegetable garden but….that’s not going too well.

Pea, Mint & White Truffle Pasta

  • + 1 pound penne pasta (I buy fresh pasta from Bristol Farms)
  • + 1 bag frozen peas
  • + Handful of arugula
  • + 1 shallot, diced
  • + 3-5 scallions, sliced thin
  • + 1 cup Italian parsley, roughly chopped
  • + 1 cup mint, roughly chopped
  • + 2 lemons, zested & juiced
  • + 1/4 cup olive oil
  • + Salt + pepper
  • + White truffle oil
  • + Goat cheese
  1. Boil water for your pasta. While the water is heating up, chop the mint, parsley, scallions, and shallot.
  2. Once the water is boiling add your pasta. When the pasta is about 1 minute away from being done, add the peas to the pot for 2 minutes.
  3. Strain and place into a large bowl.
  4. Pour the olive oil over the pasta & peas.
  5. Add the lemon zest & juice & arugula. Mix.
  6. Add the scallions, shallot, parsley, & mint. Mix.
  7. Season with salt & pepper. Drizzle as much truffle oil as you like.
  8. Top it off with goat cheese crumbles.
  9. Serve hot & when eating leftover eat cold.