I spent A LOT of time in bikinis on this trip. It was never my intention to be a bikini connoisseur but somehow the title landed in my lap after sharing my affinity for the beach to the world. But hey, to me a bikini is kinda like the concept of a school uniform: you don’t have to think, it’s already a set, and it pretty much makes you feel fabulous (that last part isn’t very school uniform-ish). While on vacation I typically find myself sporting a lot of bikinis, as I love myself a good holiday in the sun.
Being in Italy / the Amalfi Coast truly embodied everything I love in a vacation. Natural beauty with some serious culture. The language, food, drinks, lifestyle is right up my alley. I felt right at home on this trip and if the following list resonates with you I highly suggest you plan a visit to the south of Italy stat!

-Just like Malibu, there is a thick marine layer that clouds the sky (literally) until about noon. Around 12:00PM you can expect the clouds to burn off and the scorching hot blue sky will make it’s way out. Don’t be surprised when the 75º forecast actually feels like 100º. For whatever reason the sun in Italy is extremely strong and I currently have one of the best tans of my life (second best was last summer on my honeymoon in Lake Como)!
-Along with the weather shifting at noon, that is about the time the town wakes up. Until then, take advantage of the late sleepers. I would wake up around 8:00/9:00 every morning and head to the beach to take these photos. The gloomy weather makes for the perfect picture-taking conditions, and the beach is pretty much empty. Again, perfect for photo ops.
-Breakfast is a non-meal in Positano. Good luck finding some eggs. And if you do, please let me know where so I can make a note for next time.
-The best way to capture the cliff-side buildings in a photo is by boat. In my last post about Positano I share all about the inexpensive motorboats you can rent on the main beach.
-There is an entirely other side to Positano that no one cared to mention to me while we were there. I only discovered it as I was meeting our driver to head back to Naples. Basically behind the Puppeto Hotel there are millions (slightly exaggerated) of steps that lead to a beautiful side of town that is less crowded and absolutely breathtaking. Make a point of seeing this side of town.
-Lots of people will get engaged while you’re visiting Positano. Lots of Americans, to be clear.
-Missoni (and probably all shopping) is more expensive on Positano. But obviously totally worth it.
-The Emerald Grotto is a total tourist trap. And I’m not just saying that because I am deathly afraid of caves and tight places. I paid the ¢5 euro (each) to see this sight and was disappointed and terrified.
-The family that owns the famous restaurant Chez Black (along the main beach) also owns a lot of the newer hotspots such as Rada, On The Rocks, and some villas. I had the pleasure of meeting the son of Mr. Black himself and can honestly say I am envious of his summer life.
-There are rules against renovating and building new construction in Positano (and many of the other towns in the Amalfi Coast) to preserve the natural integrity of the architecture. While this is something I appreciate, I also slightly disagree with the law against renovating, since most of the hotels need a little update / update. On the flip side, you won’t feel like it is 2016 (or present time) while visiting Positano, as the town has maintained it’s natural and original structure.