1. Start a newsletter. I started doing this a little right around my holiday gift guide, mostly because I spent so much time creating it that I wanted to make sure each and every one of you saw it (LOL). Just being honest. But, a newsletter just makes sense. We all sign up for them when we like a store, artist, etc., so I figured it should be no different for a blog. Now, here’s my question(s) to you: how often would you like to receive them? Do you want a recap of posts? Products I’m currently loving? Some feedback would be much appreciated.
2. Make a 5-year plan. This pertains to business, starting a family, our home, where we want to live permanently, etc. Now that we have been married for a year and half (no longer newlyweds), and have been living in our home for just as long, I think it’s time to decide where we want to be in 5 years. Up until this point it’s been very go-with-the-flow, and it will most likely stay that way, but some long-term goals might be nice. Goals within goals, I like it.
3. Keep the plants alive. I’ve read countless articles. Tried advice from everyone I know that have living plants. My plants just look sad. I seriously want to figure this out. I spend way too much money on plants (and planters) for them to keep dying. And besides, I feel terrible knowing I’m the cause of its slow death.
4. Cook soup at home. Each year I get more and more into soup but for whatever reason I’m terrified of making it at home. I’ve never made soup, ever. Can you believe it?! This year I will learn. I want to learn how my parents make their amazing homemade chicken soup. I want to make bean soups, beet soups, tortilla soups, tomato soups, butternut squash soups….see?
5. Redo my countertops. This is a very exciting one for me. Since moving into our home I’ve wanted to redo them. They are yellow. You probably only notice them in my videos since I can’t whiten the shit out of them like I do for most photos. Well, it’s officially happening in 2017! Stay tuned.
6. Take a skiing lesson. I love being at the snow (drinking Naughty Hot Chocolate, reading, hot-tubing), but I’m kinda over snowboarding. I just feel unsafe. I was all about it 15 years ago but now that I’m getting “older” I want to take up skiing. It seems safer somehow. Oh, and I think I’ll be a lot more graceful getting off the lifts as a skier than my usual grab-the-nearest-person-near-me-and-hope-for-the-best approach!
7. More YouTube videos. In 2016 I took a huge step and began filming videos. While I wanted each one to be perfectly produced (I love the production value behind these things), I quickly learned that you guys prefer a more real and raw approach. You want to see the “real” me, not the rehearsed one. And quite frankly, that’s much easier, as you can imagine. Being myself takes zero rehearsing, and not everything has to be “perfect” for the camera. I was terrified of vlogging (why????) and it ended up being something I really enjoy. It also opened up a whole new category on this blog, beauty, which I plan to get more into this year as well. Any feedback on videos you’d like to see would also be very helpful.
8. Figure out my allergies. Looooooong overdue. I think I’ve complained about my discomfort with foods enough in 2016 (and pretty much every year before that), so it’s finally time I figure this out. I’ve started by cutting out dairy to see if it makes a difference and so far I’m seeing a pretty tremendous difference, which is amazing yet very sad. I love cheese. In 2017 I intend to see an allergist and really get my diet under control so I no longer have to suffer every time I eat a meal. Wish me luck!
On that note, I just wanted to take a moment and thank you ALL for the continued support of this blog! Each year we (the blog & I) grow in a new way and the community we have built here is what keeps me motivated to keep moving forward. I hope you all enjoyed every post, video, Snapchat, Instagram, and email that came from me. I look forward to another incredible year together. Let’s raise a toast (obviously with rosé or champagne in hand) to 2017!