I’ve been blogging for almost 6 years so I’m sure you can imagine how inspiration can be lacking from time to time. When that happens I often take a break from the blog because I’d rather post nothing than something without value, or “filler” content. Providing value is my #1 piece of advice for anyone who is looking to take their blog to the next level. I can’t reiterate this enough.
When you blog full-time you’re expected to produce content full-time. Some weeks that comes easily / naturally, as you’re out and about attending events, shooting, meeting people, going to photogenic restaurants…all great for content. However, there are other weeks when you’re chained to your desk securing jobs, following up on emails, blogging, not wearing makeup, and the content doesn’t come as easily. I have this struggle on the reg.
Finding balance and inspiration is key. To read more on how I find inspiration during dull times, scroll down.

–Look at other blogs. But don’t knock people off. If you already follow bloggers you enjoy and relate to, I guarantee you will find inspiration from some of the topics they discuss. You can either elaborate on a subject, provide a different perspective, or maybe completely disagree. Any approach you take will most likely be different and your own, so don’t feel like a total copycat by doing this.
-Read magazines. I’m old school in the sense that I love a physical copy of a magazine. Maybe it’s just the nostalgia of skimming through the pages like when I was 13 and obsessed with all the pretty pictures, but I find a ton of inspo any time I look through a magazine. They were the original “bloggers,” the ones who provided us with insight to everything fashion, beauty, relationships, etc. Often times when I’m stumped for content it’s because I’m trying too hard. I’m trying to think of something original or different, but really you can just revert back to the basics and put your own spin on it.
-Pinterest. Duh. Is there any platform more inspiring than Pinterest? With over 10,000 unique pins, and 100’s of boards, all I have to do is scroll through my account for a few minutes and I’m bound to find at least 3 topics to blog about. The pretty imagery also stimulates a lot of creativity, which is a great reference for Instagram content.
-Personal experience. Depending on how open you are about your personal life, there is an endless amount of content [ideas] naturally happening to you daily. For me, I keep a running list of topic ideas in a notebook as they occur. If I have an epiphany of some sort, I write it down. If Paul and I have an interesting conversation / fight, I write it down. If I discover a new product / routine / tip / trick / lifesaver during my everyday life, I write it down. You can also think back to your earlier years (high school, college, pre-marriage, kids, etc.) and discuss certain elements about your experiences then. Most likely your audience is a range of ages that will appreciate this.
-Take a social media break. Sometimes just stepping away from the computer (and phone) is all you need. My mind gets so saturated with content from so many different sources that it can cloud my own creativity. When this happens it’s time to take a break. Because as I mentioned above, there is absolutely no reason to post (on any platform) if you’re not providing value. Allow yourself to read a book, sit outside, go to the beach, take a drive, watch TV, look through all those pretty coffee table books we buy but never read. There is inspiration all around us, we just aren’t paying attention.
Not to get on a tangent here / sound like a total cheeseball, there is so much inspiration outside of the places we are used to finding it [online]. Don’t even think about it, just go about your day doing something you enjoy, outside of the norm, and you will find it.