It’s been a minute since I talked about confidence on the blog and today felt like a good time. I’ve randomly gotten a lot of DM’s and questions in the Private Facebook Group about confidence so it’s clearly on everyone’s mind. And while I won’t sit here and pretend that I’m confident 24/7, I do feel pretty damn good in my skin. I think a lot of it has to do with my age and where I am in life (my 20s were another story). I also think it’s because I actively work at things that make me feel confident. Some of these “tips” are deep, some are superficial, but I find a combination is what makes me feel 100.
+ Surround yourself with positive, confident people. Paul and Lily are two of the most confident people I know, yet neither are cocky. They both work hard for what they want, they’re positive, they’re proud of who they are, they’re unapologetically themselves, and so forth. If you’re surrounding yourself with negative people who put you down or make you forget your worth, #bye! There are way too many people in this world to hang out with shitty ones.
+ Get a tan. I believe in this statement so much so that I built +Lux Unfiltered so that I could have the best tan at all times. Even when it’s that time of the month or you’ve been eating donuts for every meal, a tan makes it all OK.
+ Work on not giving a f*ck. I wrote an entire article on this and it’s at the core of confidence, in my opinion.
+ Dress for your body. Instead of wearing what looks good on someone else, find items that accentuate your frame. If you’re not sure where to start, I suggest going to a department store or boutique and asking a stylist to help. It’s always cool having another opinion with these things.
+ Make yourself proud every day. I read this quote years ago and it’s stuck with me. Decisions you’re making, how you treat people, what you’re eating, how genuine you are, etc., live your life based on making YOURSELF proud, not anyone else. You’re going to have days where you’re a bitch to your boyfriend or make a bad decision, but for the majority of your days, be proud.
+ Invest in your skincare regimen. I’m not talking about monetary investment, I’m talking about your time. Wash your face every single night (here’s what I use), consistently spend 5 minutes in the morning and 5 in the evening doing your routine, don’t pick your zits, get facials when you can, etc. Instead of wasting all your paycheck on makeup to cover things up, work on your skin first. Being able to leave the house without makeup on is liberating, as vain as that sounds. And for the days where no amount of skincare will help the situation, conceal that shit.
+ Find a workout routine that makes you feel good. As superficial as it sounds, we all feel better in general when we’re taking care of our bodies. For me, exercise is a major part of that. It feels good physically, mentally, and I’m a better person when I prioritize working out. The endorphins are a legit high and I’m always down with the confidence boost I get from a workout. The key is to find a workout that makes you feel good, not shitty. The same goes for focusing on how you feel, not your pant size.
+ Tell the truth. If you always speak the truth, you won’t have anxiety about getting mixed up in white lies.
+ Keep your nails clean. I’m obsessive about keeping my nails manicured or at least clean. Similar to a tan or skincare routine, it’s like a base coat for confidence, pardon the pun.
What do you guys do when you’re in need of a confidence boost?