Okay, okay I know I’m not technically a Vardi anymore, but being a Vardi Sister is different. It’s like our group name – not going away ever! Sorry, Paul. I’m sure you all saw that I took a fabulous week-long Italian vacation with my 2 sisters last week. It was the first time us 3 traveled solo without anyone else from the family and definitely won’t be the last. It was also the first time I left Capri and let me just say it was a nice break. I obviously missed her and couldn’t wait to get home but we FaceTimed everyday and she was busy playing with her grandmothers and Paul, so she was in great hands. I was really looking forward to sleeping in, drinking, living life with the freedom of no schedule, etc., but the reality is: I woke up naturally every morning at 7AM and since giving birth my body has put up a block that won’t allow me to get drunk. Guess it’s for the better (health wise)…but I can 100% say that things have changed for me.
This sister trip was decided when Lital announced that after graduation she wanted to travel all over Italy. I was waiting to find out WHO would accompany her and when she didn’t have any definite plans I swooped in and made Jessica join the party. Since I’m a huge fan of the Amalfi Coast (this was my 3rd summer in a row), I decided to show them my favorite places and then head home before Lital embarked on the rest of Italy.
Since I’ve already done travel guides on Capri and Positano I don’t have much to add here, except that the weather was HORRIFIC! We got lucky the first 2 days of the trip so we enjoyed lots of sun in Fontellina and on our boat trip, but after that it was all downhill. It was thunder storming, cloudy, and cold, which in my book is straight misery. If it wasn’t my sisters’ first time in Italy I actually would have gone home. No joke. THAT’S how much the weather dictates my life.
Unfortunately, when the weather sucks in the Amalfi Coast you are VERY limited on activities. So much of the city depends on the weather and it truly just comes alive in the sunshine. I was privy to some information while out there – the city lost millions of dollars in the past month due to the weather. The locals all survive on the tourism of summer, which include boat rides, beach umbrellas, tours, car rentals, outdoor dining, etc. The culture of these towns thrive in the summertime. Lesson learned: don’t come to this part of town before June.
I actually feel so bad because I ran into so many followers on this trip that were there because they followed my travel guides since in the part the weather has been great in May. They were in the same position as us – stuck with nothing to do because of the weather. I will say that shopping, cooking classes, eating / drinking was the only “indoor” things to do. Not the best place to be if the weather is cold and / or raining.
Another tip: don’t buy train or ferry tickets in advance. We did and with our travel plans changing due to delayed and cancelled flights, we lost money on the tickets we pre-purchased and had to re-buy new ones. Also, because of the weather the ferry got cancelled so we have to book a car last minute, which changed the timing of our trains. Basically one big headache.
I did want to share our itinerary since I received many questions for anyone who is interested in a similar split of days.
+ Fly into Rome (highly recommend doing a direct flight, OR even better would be a flight into Naples, but it’s more $$)
+ Take a train to Naples
+ Take Ferry to Capri.
+ We stayed at Hotel La Palma, which was great, Perfect location and the rooms were decently sized. We stayed 3 nights.
+ One full day at Fontellina then dinner at Da Paolina (the lemon restaurant).
+ One full day shopping and a 4-hour private boat ride with Gianni’s Boats (love them!).
+ The last day we walked around some more then got on the ferry to Positano.
+ In Positano we stayed at La Caravella, which was an amazing location (right on the beach!) but tiny rooms with NO elevator! We stayed 2 nights.
+ If the weather permitted we would have spent one full day on the main beach.
+ Dinner at Chez Black is a must, and then we went to Fly Bar & Music on the Rocks for drinks and dancing.
+ We hired a driver to take us back to Naples.
+ Took a train to Rome.
+ Stayed 1 night in Rome – saw the Colosseum then had dinner and walked around in Trastevere (love that part of town!).
+ Flew home out of Rome the following morning. It was a full 7 day trip, including travel days.
If you guys have any questions feel free to ask below in the comments!