The Advice I'd Give All Parents (Or future parents)

To celebrate my baby girl turning one, I wanted to dedicate this week to all things baby / parenthood. Content gets buried and if you’re new around here you might have missed some of my pregnancy / early motherhood posts. Don’t worry, I’m not spamming you with every single baby-related post I’ve ever written. These are the posts that got the best response and ones I think are extremely useful for parents or soon-to-be parents, so I hope you enjoy! If you’re looking for something I didn’t cover here, it’s likely on my site. You can search around here.
+ What I Did Before I Got Pregnant – I was off birth control for three years before getting pregnant so I had a lot to say here. I’m not promising I have the answers or anything, but this is based on my journey of eventually getting knocked up.
+ My Baby Shower – It was the party of my dreams (and yes I micromanaged the sh*t out of it)! Very feminine, very boho, very thoughtful. I listed out all my vendors, too.
+ Pregnancy Fitness + Diet – I was lucky enough to feel decent throughout my entire pregnancy and kept up with a healthy diet / exercise program. This post covers what I was eating, what I was doing physically, and some favorite fitness products.
+ Nesting Tips: How to Prepare for a Baby – Read this and share it with your partner!
+ My Birth Story – I cry every. single. time. I read this! That’s another thing – parenthood makes even the least emotional (like me) emotional. It’s crazy.
+ Postpartum Realness – I was VERY honest in this post and it covers everything from tearing to vag recovery to weight. I didn’t hold back so fair warning!
+ Transitioning into Motherhood – The transition is such an insane time. It’s sweet, hard, exciting, overwhelming, and unlike anything I’d been through, obviously.
+ What I Packed (& Wish I Packed) for Capri – A look into our first “vacation” as a family of three. I basically packed way too much and forgot some essentails.
+ Capri’s Eating and Sleep Schedules at 3 months, 6 months and 8 months – Obviously every baby is different but you guys seem to love these updates. Let me know if you’d like me to keep them up!
+ Why I Don’t Have Mom Guilt – My honest thoughts on finding a balance as a new mom and why I think the guilt that comes with motherhood is bullsh*t.
+ Let’s Talk About Sleep Regressions – Bottom line: Do not pick the baby up!
+ My Experience with Breastfeeding – How I felt about breastfeeding / pumping, the schedule I stuck to, and overall tips on the topic.
+ What’s a Night Nurse? – Yes, we had a night nurse for the first 6 weeks and yes, it was f*cking fantastic (and very much a luxury, which I understand). I basically answer every question I received about the situation and how I felt about it after the fact.
+ Cutest Baby Clothing Brands – I’ve shopped these same brands since Capri was born.
+ Baby Products Every Parent Needs – I get so many DMs about products and this blog post covers everything, at least for the early stages of life with a baby.
+ What’s In My Diaper Bag – Plus the non-diaper bag diaper bag that I swear by.
+ Baby Rich’s Nursery – I’m currently giving this a revamp (shocking) but I still love how it came out.
+ What’s in My Hosptial Bag – The basics you’ll want to wear, the only tech you actually need, and self-care items to calm you the f*ck down.
+ Pregnancy Products I’m Loving – This shit got me through the 9-10 months.
PS stay tuned for tomorrow’s post which is basically covering all of our current parenthood and Capri essentials (think toys, entertainment, eating, etc.).
What other parenthood articles do you want to see?